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StamfordhamPrimary School

‘Learning, Caring and Achieving Together’
‘Learning, Caring and Achieving Together’

Lockdown Wellbeing Support

Every Mind Matters

Public Health England’s new mental health campaign to support children and young people and their parents and carers...


Headspace App

This app teaches parents and children together about meditation for different age levels. They focus on Calm, Kindness and Bedtime.



App which provides mindfulness and sleep stories for children of varying ages to help children relax and restore after a day of running around.


Three good things- Happiness Journal

App to help children focus on the positives and think about what went well today. Helps children look for things to appreciate and practice gratitude. 


Stop, Breathe, Think

My life - app available with a version for children and one for adults...



Friends Resilience App found in Apple App Store. This app supports all strategies and techniques used within Stamfordham to support children with their mental health...


Please see Miss Snowball for any support
