At Stamfordham, we aim to provide an enquiry-rich curriculum which is based on the National Curriculum for Science. We use resources from Explorify, STEM, The Primary Science Teaching Trust and Plan Assessment to ensure our science curriculum encourages pupils to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. We provide opportunities for pupils to explain what is happening, through conceptual models and practical activities that progressively build a deep understanding of our science curriculum and an ability to work scientifically.
The National Curriculum for Science aims to ensure that all pupils:
develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of scientific questions about the world around them
are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science today and for the future
Early Years Foundation Stage
Throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage, children are taught science as part of ‘Understanding the World’. We use the Primary Science Teaching Trust, 'Play, Observe, Ask' provision maps as a basis for our science teaching and learning and we focus on, 'I see, I notice, I wonder' to explore and observe with increasing depth. The children begin to develop their journey as scientists by exploring the world around them, learning to work scientifically and beginning to use science vocabulary. Any misconceptions are explicitly addressed and real-life examples e.g. plants, mini-beasts are examined wherever possible, rather than pictures, models or diagrams. This continues through school from Early Years to Year 6.
Key Stage 1
Pupils are taught science in a mixed year one and two class. They work scientifically on half termly units of work, which are then built on in Key Stage 2 to ensure effective progression, resulting in a broad and balanced curriculum. Specific scientific vocabulary, linked to each unit of work is taught. Pupils use their substantive and disciplinary knowledge to answer scientific questions by carrying out investigations using different types of scientific enquiry. They develop their working scientifically skills: how to performing simple tests; compare and group things; observe closely, use simple equipment; record simple data; and ask questions.
Lower Key Stage 2
Pupils are taught in a mixed year three and four class. They build on their scientific knowledge and on their working scientifically skills by learning to ask their own questions; setting up their own simple tests, making careful observations, suggesting improvements; drawing conclusions; making predictions; explaining what they have found out and using different equipment to measure accurately, gather, record, classify and present data in different ways. The pupils also continue to extend their scientific vocabulary.
Upper Key Stage 2
Pupils are taught in a mixed year five and six class. Units of work are taught in half termly or termly blocks and build on previously learnt scientific knowledge, conceptual understanding and scientific vocabulary. Pupils learn to plan different types of scientific enquiry to answer questions; set up fair tests; decide what observations and measurements to make, use scientific equipment to measure with precision; take repeat readings; ask different kinds of questions, use results to make predictions and set up more tests; report and present findings in a variety of ways; decide how to record data and results and use scientific diagrams, labels, classification, keys, tables, scatter, bar and line graphs.
Types of Scientific Enquiry
All pupils from Years1 - 6 have opportunities to carry out investigations using five different enquiry types as part of each unit of work: comparative/fair testing; research; observation over time; pattern seeking and identifying, grouping and classifying.
Science Capital
In addition to weekly science lessons, STEM Week activities; science workshops and after school clubs, led by Captain Chemistry; educational visits and visitors, for example from the Kielder observatory and local beekeepers and the use of our school pond, planting areas and Woodland School all help to enhance pupils’ learning experiences and foster a ‘science is for me’ culture among pupils. We also regularly explore the work of scientists who have a broad range of skills and knowledge and diverse backgrounds, so that children can directly see how the work they do in school links to STEM careers and to provide science role models, so that children believe science is for them.
Assessment for learning takes place during every lesson to assess understanding. At the beginning of each unit of work, prior knowledge is assessed and any gaps in knowledge are explicitly taught. An end of unit teacher assessment ensures any misconceptions or gaps in skills and knowledge can be addressed.
In 2024, 92% of children achieved the expected standard in science in KS1 (nationally 82%, 2023)
In 2024, 80% of children achieved the expected standard in science in KS2 (nationally 81%, 2024)
We provide an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including SEND, enabling them to make good progress from their individual starting points. We are aware that a child’s scientific ability and enquiring mind is not directly related to their writing or maths ability. Children are given opportunities to create their own investigations with support appropriate to their SEN learning barriers. Children are given the opportunity to ask their own questions as well as complete teacher-led enquiries.
We adapt each unit of work to help all pupils, including those with SEND, to make progress from their starting points. All classrooms have visual working walls to support science vocabulary development and knowledge relevant to each unit of work. Children have opportunities to work in mixed ability groups during science discussions and experiments to support children's substantive and disciplinary knowledge.