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StamfordhamPrimary School

‘Learning, Caring and Achieving Together’
‘Learning, Caring and Achieving Together’




We, at Stamfordham Primary School, strive for excellence and enjoyment in education by providing a safe, secure, caring family environment, where all are valued and respected as individuals. It is important that all children receive a high quality PSCHE curriculum here at our school; we understand that this is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education and it is paramount that we provide children with the skills and knowledge that they need throughout their time at school and throughout their lives. Our curriculum provides lots of opportunities for children to explore British Values and become prepared for later life. Through our RSE teaching, children will have an understanding of their physical and mental health and will develop skills to help them maintain healthy relationships. We equip pupils with understanding and skills to make safe and informed decisions in their school life and beyond.


Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education

It is now a statutory requirement that schools in England teach Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education. This aims to teach children the building blocks of healthy respectful relationships focusing on families and friendships. PSHE education is the school curriculum subject through which RSE content is delivered in the vast majority of schools because of the connections between health, relationships, economic wellbeing and thriving in life and work.



A two-year rolling programme for PSHE identifies units of work which last for half a term. The main body of work will come from the SCARF: Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship online scheme. A planned online safety curriculum is also provided as part of PSHE lessons and is regularly revisited throughout the school year.

A dedicated PSHE lesson will be taught for between 30 minutes and 1 hour each week. PSHE permeates throughout the whole curriculum and issues will be dealt with as they arise. Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants conduct PSHE lessons in a sensitive manner and in confidence. Children’s questions are answered as honestly and fully as appropriate. All adults in School are responsible for informing teachers about any concerns about the personal and social development of individual pupils. However, if a child makes reference to anything which gives cause for concern (e.g. sexual abuse, illegal substance use) then clearly such matters cannot remain confidential. Staff will report such incidents to the Designated Senior Lead who will decide whether the matter should be dealt with as a child protection issue.

As well as weekly lessons, many aspects of PSCHE are covered through our everyday work. We also have an active Student Council where the children occasionally focus on PSCHE issues. Our curriculum is supported further by taking part in anti-bullying week and Internet Safety Day and some topics may be addressed through whole school assemblies and continue in class.



PSHE is integral to the development of children’s values in order for them to become a positive citizen in a forever changing community. PSHE is an important part of school assemblies where children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity is stimulated, challenged and nurtured.

Children will demonstrate and apply our school values where they are: Happy, Caring, Kind, Respectful, Resilient, Honest, able to work as a team, Independent, Achieving and Inspired.


Additionally, our goal is for our pupils to be able to:

• Demonstrate a healthy outlook towards school – attendance will be in-line with national and behaviour will be good

• achieve age related expectations across the wider curriculum

• become healthy and responsible members of society

• feel prepared for life and work in modern Britain.



Aims - How are we providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including SEND, allowing them all to make progress from their individual starting points?

  • Children are able to decide upon and share their opinion. Children can say why they feel the way they do.

  • All children regardless of ability should feel as though their opinion and contribution is valued and valid.

  • Children know ways to keep safe and happy and how to seek help/support if they consider themselves not to be.

Equal access - How are we adapting each subject in order to help all pupils, including those with SEND, to make progress from their starting point?

  • Emotions and self-regulating strategies are modelled in order for children to identify their emotions and use safe/appropriate strategies independently or with support.

  • Seating plans are carefully thought out to ensure every child's opinion is valued.

  • Ensuring sharing time is a safe place and these rules and boundaries are reminded before each session, children are aware that our ‘Wellbeing area’ is always available to go to for quiet time or a chat with a trusted adult

  • Revisiting and giving opportunities to stay physically, emotionally and mentally safe and what they can if they are not.

  • Providing visual aids to support structure/routines/rules to ensure every child feels safe and know who they can go to for support.
