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StamfordhamPrimary School

‘Learning, Caring and Achieving Together’
‘Learning, Caring and Achieving Together’


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


Stamfordham Primary School is an inclusive school.  We ensure that all pupils have access to a broad curriculum so they can reach their full potential.  


We believe that every child has the right to learn regardless of need and that they should have full access to all the opportunities that school has to offer.  We work closely with parents / carers and external agencies to ensure that children with special educational needs and / or disabilities are fully supported to be successful in our setting and beyond.


The SENDCO works closely with school staff and support agencies to ensure that all pupils in school with identified needs have a personalised support plan which is discussed regularly and adapted as required.  We continuously assess and monitor the development of all children to ensure they are making appropriate and expected progress from their starting point.


The links below will take you to some further documents that outline the SEND support at Stamfordham Primary School.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCO) is Lynsey Briddock (Headteacher)

Contact email:

Contact telephone number: 01661 886358


Click here for further information about the Northumberland Local Offer.
