The school has its own Governing Body which includes representatives from the local authority, community, school staff as well as elected parents. The Head Teacher will inform parents when a vacancy for a parent governor arises, ask for nominations and then arrange a ballot. Governors are appointed to serve for a period of up to 4 years.
Collectively the Governing Body is responsible to the Local Authority for a vast range of matters. These include the delivery of the curriculum, ensuring that the school in run in accordance with the law, that all necessary policies are in place and the appointment of staff. The day-to-day Leadership and Management and running of the school is delegated to the Head Teacher.
The full Governing Body meets at least once a term, and committees more frequently as the need arises, but at least termly. All aspects of school life are constantly monitored and evaluated in a number of ways and the School Improvement Plan is a key document in this process. All Governors contribute towards and evaluate this document through termly visits to school. Minutes of past Governing Body meetings are available on request at the school office.