The children and staff have arrived safely at Robinwood - and in the sunshine! On arrival, we made our own beds (well pulled the duvet cover onto the duvet!) This in itself proved something of a challenge for some of the children - can you guess who? It was then straight into activity groups. Behaviour has been fantastic and everyone is taking part with lots of enthusiasm. Our focus areas for the visit will be on teamwork and listening skills; the children are already proving how good they are at both with instructions being followed very well indeed. Well done to everyone!
Wood Group whom are working with Miss Smith and Abbie (from Robinwood) have been enjoying views of the spectacular countryside whilst partaking of the Giant's Swing! Everyone enjoyed this challenge, especially Miss Smith! Children in this group are now attempting to escape the Dungeon of Doom - good luck to them, as I hear it's nearly evening meal time so let's hope they get out in time!
Mrs Watson's Hill Group and Robinwood's Arthur have tackled the crate challenge which involved everyone taking turns to lead, attached to a very secure (and long!) safety rope to create the Robinwood Shard of crates! The crate tower got higher and higher and Hill Group managed to reach the top before it came crashing down - after which they laughed at the mess which had to be then cleared up, by Hill Group! This group have also worked together on Night Line wearing blackout goggles and using only their hearing and touch to navigate the Night Line course whilst avoiding the pesky Robinwood squirrels who get up to no good with water guns
Forest Group with Mr Erskine and Bob (who is our Group Leader) have bravely tackled caving whizzing through the tunnels and twists with speed and superb flexibility - we'll call this group the bendy gang in future! Forest Group were super kind to one another as they encouraged friends to have a go and everyone came out the other side in one piece, thankfully leaving the Robinwood zombi inside!
With more activities tonight and a yummy evening meal plus supper, we should hear some very sound sleepers come lights out, we hope!